Saturday, January 20, 2007

Catching Life by the Throat in 1491

Two new books from the library (my ambition knows no bounds):

Catching Life by the Throat: How to read poetry and why by Josephine Hart (this sounds great, and includes a cd of a live reading at the British Library by people like Ralph Fiennes, Harold Pinter and Juliet Stevenson). We've only heard one poem so far and the recording quality is terrible, but it's really neat all the same. More later, when I've had more of a chance to read it.

1491 Which hopefully has more legitimacy (I've read that it does--it's actually reasonably well-regarded) than 1421.

Films rented for the week:

Hotel Rwanda
The Green Mile
The latest Harry Potter (lost track of which one it is)

We haven't seen any of them yet.

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