Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Little Snowy Mosque...

We watched the much-talked about Little Mosque on the Prairie last week, amid much television snow, since we no longer have cable and CBC doesn't come in very well. We both felt Little Mosque was a bit cheesy and the acting wasn't very good. We're hoping it will improve on the latter score at least, as the actors develop a stronger sense of their characters and the story arcs.

I guess it's kind of cute, but I'm not blown away.

I also watched a rather snowy episode of Dr. Who (the second of a two-parter). Again, not much to say.

I haven't been reading or watching much because (drum roll), I've been working on my book! Yippee! I actually managed to get a couple of scene written (they'll need tightening, but it's something at least). I hope to get much more written on it tomorrow and do cleanups on still more scenes that don't require heavy revisions. This is happy news indeed...

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